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Writer's pictureBerlaymonster

Outbreak of food poisoning at the Council

UPDATE BELOW – eight people hospitalised.

Workers at the Council received a concerned email yesterday afternoon. BM only got the French version, which has been roughly translated below:

Food poisoning*

Anybody who had grilled tuna or swordfish at the Blue Room restaurant of the Justus Lipsius building and who is now feeling a sick, please get to the infirmary. If symptoms become present when you are at home, please get in touch with the emergency department of your nearest hospital.

It would be wise to indicate that your health problems are probably linked to eating fish.

Symptoms may include rashes, a lowering of blood pressure, tingling and difficulty breathing.

The medical service would like to be informed as soon as possible.

Thanks for your cooperation.”

More news if and when we can find any.

Thanks for your, erm, cooperation.

***UPDATE 11h30***

10 people ate the grilled tuna, and eight were hospitalised. Seven of those were released the same evening, with one person staying in for observation. The “Agence féderale de la chaine alimentaire” immediately started an investigation and results are expected in the next 48 hours. It seems that it’s a “histamine poisoning” and probably linked to a “rupture de la chaîne du froid” – or a breakdown in the “cold chain”.

Anybody who hasn’t yet exhibited symptoms has no need to worry. It seems that effects of poisoning came on very rapidly. *Intoxication alimentaire

Les personnes ayant consommé du poisson grillé (espadon ou thon) à la salle bleue (grill) du restaurant du Juste Lipse et qui présenteraient des symptômes de malaise voudront bien soit se rendre auprès du dispensaire soit si les troubles surgissent à leur domicile prendre contact avec le service d’urgence de l’hôpital le plus proche. Il conviendra d’indiquer que probablement les troubles sont liés à la consommation de poisson. Les manifestations peuvent être des rougeurs, une chute de tension, des picotements, des difficultés respiratoires, etc. Le service médical souhaite également être informé dès que possible. Merci de votre bonne collaboration.”

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