The ‘Monster is no alien to attempts to depict the EU village through the prosodic arts. Previous efforts by BM and readers have managed, variously through sonnets, haikus and limericks, to sneer poetically at our political masters and mistresses over the years.
And the masterful ‘Instapoet’ (blog and twitter) has also pricked the Brussels bubble with his occasional quill.
But what on earth does the ‘poetry’ department of the European Commission do?
And why are they in such a hurry?
The ‘Rapid/Poetry’ unit appears to be part of the commission’s communications outfit (No, really).

There’s been not much evidence of their creative output as yet, rapid or otherwise.
And it’s not entirely clear either why they need someone who is dedicated to the ‘triple-X domain’.
Here’s BM’s effort at versifying today’s competition announcement on Rio Tinto Alcan with a sprinkling of requisite smut:
Brussels probed
The dominant position
That Alcan wielded.
Alcan, smelting,
And removed the vertical restraints.