Welcome to Berlaymonster’s first-ever live-blog of a European Council. After years of existence as a practically dead blog, we’re trying a different approach.

I’m the new Berlaymonster intern, Boris Johnson (no relation). I’ll bring you fresh, steaming-hot news dumps from EUCO – all the latest news developments, media gossip, meal menus, and more –throughout the day and all night long if necessary.
Let’s get cracking!
There’s an air of excitement in Brussels because it’s the first face-to-face summit in a long time. Police setting up barricades around Schuman have been in unusually high spirits, and even Brussels drivers are taking detours and traffic jams in stride. It may be raining outside, but it’s sunshine in everyone’s hearts at EUCO time.
The European Council is under way… oh wait it’s the “traditional exchange of views” with the European Parliament president. According to the tradition, each party promises to have views, and also to exchange them. We will also be observing tradition by not covering the European Parliament president’s press conference.
The European Council spokesman reveals that “to ensure the confidentiality of the discussion on #Belarus and on #Russia the debate on Belarus will take place “without electronic devices”. Shut down your pacemakers, everyone!
21:30: Just got details of the summit menu. It’s a ham-and-cheese sandwich, a bag of pickle chips and a sparkling water. I’m not talking about the EU leaders, folks, I’m talking about me. It’s all they left me in the BM office.
I’m hearing there may be some kind of agreement to impose sanctions on Belarus but details are very sketchy. Will try to confirm before posting.
Hang on, apparently it’s on Twitter.